• Medium Term loans for the Agricultural operations will be issued to members of the affiliated societies as well as individual farmers. Such loans will be issued for
    • purchase of live stock for Agricultural  Purposes
    • Farm Mechanisation (Purchase of Tractors ,Threshing Machines etc.)
    • For Purchase of Milk Cattle
    • Dairy Development
    • Sheeps and Goat Rearing
    • Irrigation Pump Sets
    • For any other purpose as decided by the Board from time to time.


Eligibility Agriculturists, Persons engaged in allied activities like Diary activity, Planters, Horticulturists etc., who are the members of affiliated PACS s
Period Loans granted for a period not exceeding Sixty months.
Interest Rate

As per the orders of Government of Karnataka.

At present MT Loans bears 3% interest, ,i.e Lending at 3% P.A

Repayments Usually 10 Half Yearly Instalments
Documents Required
Check Lists of Documents for Medium Term Loans are available at all Branches of Bank
Other Facilities