New Special Cash Credit loan

Financial accommodation to affiliated Cooperatives for working capital requirements will be given under the broad head ‘Cash Credit Loans’. Under this system the society has to make frequent withdrawals from as well as repayments into the accounts to suit the continuous nature of its financial transactions thus facilitating the most economical use of the accommodations during a fixed period

To Primary Agricultural Co-operative Socities (PACS) for Public Distribution Scheme.

To credit or Marketing Societies for dealing in agricultural production requisites such as fertilizers, manures, pesticides, agricultural implements, seeds etc

To Employees’ Cooperative Credit Societies

To Urban Cooperative Credit Societies

To credit or marketing societies for issue of loans against the pledge or hypothecation of agricultural produce and marketing of produce belonging to members

Period One Year.
Interest Rate As fixed by Bank from time to time
Repayments As fixed by Bank from time to time
Documents Required Check Lists of Documents for Cash Credit Loans are available at all Branches of Bank.
Other Facilities